I have recently become friends with Leah as a result of my first book. We have never met in person. I’m in Ohio and she lives in New York. I love reading her blogs and seeing how her faith is strong through the many struggles in her life. In spite of these struggles she is always focused on Christ and His goodness. Just so you understand the bigger picture, she is recuperating from some back problems. Her mom has cancer which has spread, and her son also has some special medical problems. You could easily say her plate is full! In spite of all these health issues surrounding her, her creativity continues to flow and she helps others with her encouraging words. She continues to praise God with all of her heart and soul. Today God was really urging me to pray for Leah. When she lives two states away, I obviously can’t go give her a big girlfriend hug, but praying I can do. I asked God to give her comfort and peace today. We later chatted online and I learned that she was traveling to her...