My friend signs her notes KOKO, which means keep on keeping on. In other words, when life is difficult, stay the course, don’t give up, go the extra mile, and keep being a witness for Christ. In some respects, KOKO is easier on paper than it is in person. There are times when we get weary and struggle in our faith. In those moments of frustration or discouragement, we need to dig deep within ourselves for the motivation to continue. Walking the Christian road alone is not sufficient in itself. We need to lean on one another, and tap into our faith in Jesus for strength. The early Christians had incredible faith and endurance. They are true examples of KOKO. If they had given up, would the Christian church exist today? Paul and Silas were among those who suffered for Christ. They were on their way to the house of prayer when a young slave girl repeatedly mocked them. After several days of her repeated chanting, Paul demanded that the evil spirit leave the girl in the name of Jesus...