Life Preserver

After much frustration of cooking with three out of four burners, Jim and I decided to purchase a new stove in Florida. We had no idea how old the stove was, nor a good repairman, so it seemed like our best option. The installation crew was supposed to take the old stove to the curb, and in most cases it will disappear. But we wondered how long it would sit there, and how would we get rid of it if someone didn’t take it. So forty-eight hours before delivery, I advertised the old stove for a low price on social media. I wasn’t surprised when I had a nibble right away, but typically you go through lots of nibbles, before you get a bite. This gentleman truly said he wanted the stove and we set a time. As the minutes clicked away my frustrations built, thinking he was another no show, when he was over an hour late. My first thought was, “Here we go. They always say they want it, but don’t show.” I decided to send him a message and he quickly replied. He had gotten tied up finishing a job a...