One of Those Days

I was having one of those days, actually I could say one of those weeks, but this day was the topper. Work had piled up, and I felt buried. Not one great big project but numerous small ones that all seemed to have a very high priority. Intense fellowship had taken place between Jim and I that morning. I had waited over an hour (which I didn’t have to spare) to see a doctor, who told me I should consider optional eye lid surgery to solve my eyelash problem. The thought of another surgery just added to my already bad attitude. As I headed for home I thought, “I JUST WANT THIS DAY TO BE OVER!” Then it happened. A bird decided to poop on my parade. Tell me this—how does one bird flying in the sky produce enough poop to cover my entire driver’s side window? I wanted to scream, but thought, “Why bother. No one can hear me anyway.” I was already in the right turn lane, and of course the car wash was to the left. I made my turns and circled back to the carwash so I could see out the ...