One of Those Days
I was having one of those days, actually I could say one of those weeks, but this day was the topper. Work had piled up, and I felt buried. Not one great big project but numerous small ones that all seemed to have a very high priority. Intense fellowship had taken place between Jim and I that morning. I had waited over an hour (which I didn’t have to spare) to see a doctor, who told me I should consider optional eye lid surgery to solve my eyelash problem. The thought of another surgery just added to my already bad attitude. As I headed for home I thought, “I JUST WANT THIS DAY TO BE OVER!”
Then it happened. A bird decided to poop on my parade. Tell me this—how does one bird flying in the sky produce enough poop to cover my entire driver’s side window? I wanted to scream, but thought, “Why bother. No one can hear me anyway.”
I was already in the right turn lane, and of course the car wash was to the left. I made my turns and circled back to the carwash so I could see out the window. The entire time, I was having a pity party because even the bird pooped on my day. Poor me. Yep that was my attitude.
From the car wash I went straight to my favorite frozen custard store and ordered a snack (to make me feel better). Only to find out that pecans now cost an extra $1.25. Sure go ahead and put them on, nothing else has gone right today. I handed her a five-dollar-bill. She handed me a mini frozen custard and off I drove. The problem is, I didn’t enjoy it at all. Why? Because I was looking for my comfort in the custard, not pouring my heart out to God about my problems, frustrations and decisions. How many times have we all been guilty of looking to food for a pick-me-up instead of Jesus?
We all have days like this. Sometimes moments like these roll off of me and other days they don’t. Regardless of my reaction, God is always there. Ever so present to console me and comfort me. That is if I let Him and allow Him to help. I recently came across this quote…
God cares about details. If you comb out some hairs in the morning, the record in Heaven is changed. ~ John Rice
I never quite looked at it that way, but it is true. God cares about my work load. My disagreement with Jim. My overpriced custard, and my bird poop. The scriptures say the hairs on our heads are numbered (Matthew 10:30), and He saves our tears in a bottle (Psalm 56:8). If that is the case, why wouldn’t he care about all the other details of my life? Both the good and bad. The frustrating and simple.
My point is this, you and I often lack the faith to believe God cares about every detail of our lives. We make ourselves miserable, when we just need to stop, relax and wait patiently before the Lord and allow Him to refresh our lives.
“When the king smiles, there is life; his favor refreshes like a spring rain.” (Proverbs 16:15).
So come Lord Jesus and refresh us! Breathe new life into our busy, stressful, and complicated lives. Please help us to know You as the great El Roi—the God who sees us. And may we always remember that you are the great El Shaddai—our all sufficient-almighty God.
Can I get an Amen please?
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